Shadowwalker's A-Team Fanfic

Welcome to my A-Team fan fiction site, containing all the stories I've written about our guys (as Shadowwalker213). If you have any comments or questions about the stories (or the site), please let me know.


Auld Lang Syne The Children's Hour Forest Primeval Neverness
Friendship's Choice Juggernaut (Series) Covenant (Series) Short Stories
Holidays Short Shorts The Trouble with Tess Their World

Click on photos to see sources.

DISCLAIMER: The characters from the series 'A-Team' and any other characters used from television or film belong to their relevant owners and are used here only for pleasure and not for profit. All other characters belong to this author. Any similarities with real life characters or situations are unintentional and coincidental.

A-Team Fanfic Directory

A listing of all known published A-Team fanfic - updated monthly

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