A-Team Fanfiction Directory


Stand-Alone Stories

Title (* Movie)
Previous Story Notes Co-Author(s) Location
An Afternoon's EscapeARCH (WB)
Along the WayARCH (WB)
August 28th - Remembering a Man with a DreamARCH (WB)
The Birth of the A-TeamARCH (WB)
Birthday MemoriesARCH (WB)
Breaking the RulesARCH (WB)
A Cautious PeekARCH (WB)
The CostumeARCH (WB)
Desert RunARCH (WB)
DriveARCH (WB)
Girl CrazyARCH (WB)
A Good Plan, a Bad IdeaARCH (WB)
Good SamaritansARCH (WB)
The Great OutdoorsARCH (WB)
HalftimeARCH (WB)
Last WatchARCH (WB)
MemorandumARCH (WB)
Music in the ParkARCH (WB)
Only in My DreamsChapter 1ARCH (WB)
" "Chapter 2ARCH (WB)
" "Chapter 3ARCH (WB)
" "Chapter 4ARCH (WB)
" "Chapter 5ARCH (WB)
" "Chapter 6ARCH (WB)
Over the River and Through the WoodsARCH (WB)
Pirate BootyARCH (WB)
A Plane DebateARCH (WB)
PresentARCH (WB)
SillinessARCH (WB)
Stormy WeatherARCH (WB)
Ties that BindARCH (WB)
The VacationARCH (WB)
A Very Taxing DayARCH (WB)


Title (* Movie)
Previous Story Notes Co-Author Location
Break-in in BelmontARCH (WB)
New BeginningsBreak-in in BelmontChapter 1ARCH (WB)
" "Chapter 2ARCH (WB)
Eye of the StormNew BeginningsChapter 1-5PamARCH (WB)
" "Chapter 6-10" "ARCH (WB)
" "Chapter 11-15" "ARCH (WB)
" "Chapter 16-20" "ARCH (WB)
Lessons LearnedChapter 1TeeARCH (WB)
" "Chapter 2" "ARCH (WB)
Delta BaseLessons LearnedTeeARCH (WB)

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