June 16 --- This and That

Holiday: Juggling Day

11:35 AM

"Face, I need that truck before one, so you better get a move on."

"Right, Hannibal."

"Oh, and the acetelyne torch for BA. You know how he..."

"Don't worry, Hannibal. I know just where to get it."

"Hey, you know what would be great? Some of those stun grenades. Couple of them with the smoke grenades, it'll be a walk in the park. Well, the perimeter, anyway."

"Hannibal, I can't just..."

"Sure you can. You've got time. It's not even noon yet."

"You just said..."

"And don't forget to pick up Murdock. They took them on a field trip to the arboretum so it shouldn't be hard to get him."

"The arboretum? That's across town from..."

"Face, I'd get him, but I have to meet the client to get the final details. And BA's gotta get that plate ready for the truck; besides, he still hasn't gotten over that last trip."

"All right, all right. I'll pick up Murdock - but you might have to do without the grenades."

"What's the matter, Face? Losing your touch? C'mon, let's get cracking."

The dust from Hannibal's departure in the van hadn't yet settled when BA stalked out of the garage.

"Face! Don't forget..."

"The torch. I know, BA, I'm on my way..."

"No, not the torch. Those special hoses. I tol Hannibal to tell ya. Here, these are the specs..."



"Well, that went nicely. Scumballs all locked up, waiting for the cops. Nice job on that truck, BA. I forgot all about that hydraulic lift you talked about. Worked great, though. And Murdock, you did a great job with those stun grenades. Really opened the door for us there." Hannibal lit his cigar, frowning. "But, Face, I gotta say it. You were a little slow out there today. Fella would think you'd just finished running a marathon. Maybe some time on the obstacle course..."