Takes place after "Without Reservations"

“In every deed of mischief he had a heart to resolve, a head to contrive, and a hand to execute.” - Edward Gibbon

"I still..."

"Yeah, me, too."

"Well, it's over now, guys. And it came out all right."

Hannibal's anxious eyes belied his comment. They watched Face make his slow progression around the grounds, confined to the patio after Face impatiently reminded them he was no longer an invalid, despite the cane.

Murdock sighed. "Makes you think, y'know? Things you wish you'd done, should've done." He glanced at Hannibal. "We have to help him find his family, Hannibal. We just have to. He could've...I mean..."

"Yeah, Hannibal. We gotta back him up this time. There's still people we didn't get to see before..."

"Hold on, guys. You're forgetting one thing - Stockwell."

"Stockwell can..."

"Like it or not, we need those pardons." Hannibal lit a cigar, eyes narrowing as he watched Face stop to catch his breath. "But there's more than one way to skin a cat."